Get Your Script into Final Draft with Proper Format

Screenplay Typing Services

Got an Old Script You’re Dusting Off and Need It Input? Hand-written? A/B Pages?  Old Format? Wrong Format? Whatever format…. You Just Want it DONE?!

I would love to help!

April Smith
April Smithwriter/producer, three-time Emmy Award nominee for drama
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Smart Girls is terrific! Fast turnaround and totally professional. Highly recommended.

Get your script typed, re-typed, from anything to anything in current 2021 Hollywood standard format with Final Draft.

Don’t waste your precious time typing your script into your computer to get to a starting point. Let us do that for you — FAST — and you can use your energy to work on the creative part.  We’ll make sure it’s done correctly to proper, current Hollywood’s expectations.

If your script doesn’t look like what executives expect, they will immediately assume you don’t know how to write…. or that you’re just out of date.

Don’t let this very important but simple thing be the downfall of your screenplay. We offer fast turnaround. Accurate typing. And we’ve been doing it for many years.

We warmly welcome all of the past customers of the legendary Barbara’s Place Script Typing Service.  We hope to help you in the same way they did!  Relax for a few…. We’ll work on your script while you’re away.

Script Typing Services and Proofreading Rates

Typing Service — Per Page Charge

  • Minimum charge for Feature Script: $300
  • Minimum charge for Short Film Script: $199
Typing a Feature Film Script — $3.50/page
(retyping from a previously typed script)

Typing a TV Script — $3.50/page

Typing a Stageplay or Musical — Will give a quote.  (There are a variety of acceptable formats for stageplays and musicals. We will suggest what is best for you. Also the price will depend on the current format of the play you’re submitting. We will agree on a flat price before we begin.)

  • Proofreading a Script — $2.50/page
  • Proofreading a Manuscript — $3.50/page
  • Typing a Manuscript (double-spaced) — $4.50/page

Hand-written pages and projects that do not have proper format incur extra charges of 50 cents to $1.50 extra per page, so that means the charge would be $4.00 to 5.00 per page.

TYPING RUSH CHARGE (150% – 200%)

Depending on our schedule and how fast you need it!

[or 300% for super fast turnaround where we DEDICATE OUR LIVES to your project! 🙂 ]

Additional charges are determined based on how legible they are, whether they are formatted properly with scene headings, and the type of file or paper they are delivered to us on.

Printing Your Script

  • Hard copy printing 30 pages and under = $5.00
  • Hard copy printing 31 to 125 pages = $10.00 (.10 per page over 125)

Formatting For Kindle and Create Space

Kindle Formatting: $75 (with other services) 

Create Space Formatting: $75 (with other services)

 We can type anything….. FROM any format TO any format. Email us the details of your project (FROM what type of format, TO what type of format, and how many pages your original is), and a sample of the original source material — meaning the handwritten copy, the typed copy with corrections, a photo of the paper you write it on, the PDF, or the MS Word doc. We can give you the pricing. We do transcription…. about $60 an hour — single voice or multiple! We make sure everything is correct and professional, just like all the other stuff we do.  You will get an excellent product with us!

Get a Quote -- Guaranteed Up Front

We’re happy to give you the quote/price beforehand. You would simply email us a photo/image of at least 3 pages so we can see how they are written and the formatting.

Of course, if you can’t send a photo or a copy of the file by email, you can also tell us what format they’re in and we may be able to give you a quote based on that.

When you send them to us for typing, they must be hand-numbered before sending!  Also be sure to keep a copy of them yourself.

We always try to accommodate your needs and requirements.

We look forward to working with you!

To get started, you can give us a shout out the old school way — the telephone — at 818/907-6511! 

Or email us the email address in the footer of this page….

And we’ll, uh, leave the light on for ya!

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