Are You Stuck on What To Do Next in Your Screenwriting?

A Strategy Session To Get Unstuck and Moving Forward

Select Your Coaching - Consulting Strategy Package Save Money with More Time

Jam Session Coaching

30 Minutes -- $125 Phone call only.

30 Minute Jam Session

Use this to practice a pitch, discuss an idea that you're thinking of writing, or for inspiration on one particular aspect of your script. A quick brainstorming session.

One Problem. One Solution. One Hour.

1 Hour Minutes -- $175 Phone call or Zoom

One Problem. One Solution. One Hour.

Are you stuck on a particular aspect of development in your script? This session is a laser-focused discussion on drilling down into a core problem you're trying to solve. This is often used by clients Melody has already been working with to follow up on an issue that was previously identified. However it can be used by a writer with a new problem as well. If there is a synopsis or scene to read, that will be part of the hour -- 15 minutes will be used for that, leaving 45 minutes to discuss.

1 or 2 Problems. 1 or 2 Solutions. Two Hours.

2 Hours -- $295 Phone call or Zoom

1 or 2 Problems. 1 or 2 Solutions. Two Hours.

Are you stuck on a particular aspect of development in your script? This session is a laser-focused discussion on drilling down into a core problem you're trying to solve. This can be used by clients Melody has already been working with to follow up on an issue that was previously identified or can be a brand new client, including submitting a synopsis. Time will be alloted for reading, depending on number of pages, and balance will be used for development discussion. This time can also be used for Career Strategy.

One meeting on phone or in person.

One Issue on the Table.
Create a Plan.

4 Hours Total
2 or 3 Sessions- $650

Two sessions of 2 hours or Three Sessions of 1-hours plus.

Bigger Issue. Solution.
Plan. Follow-up.
Adjust. Make New Plan.

Call Smart Girls at 818/907-6511 to place your order for your Strategy Session and get it on the schedule ASAP.

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