Acting Career Strategy Sessions

Lots of ways to Help Move You Your Acting Career Forward!

Our Career Planning sessions are designed to assist you in creating a personalized plan for your career vision – drawing on both what you know to do and what you don’t yet know to do – creating tangible actions and timetables to get you there.

We have created a variety of strategy sessions to address your career planning needs – most bundle package programs include three of these. We recommend to use our most popular one, Agent Meeting Role Play, Career Planning 101, and a third one as an elective.

Here are some of the coaching sessions we offer:

Agent Meeting Role Play

(Pre-Requisite: Create a 2-minute pitch of yourself)

This session is designed to develop your ability to be yourself and to pitch yourself in an agent meeting. You will be coached on going to the agent’s office, answering questions, and getting the agent interested! You will leave this session fully prepared to meet with anyone from the nicest to the busiest and most distracted to the most arrogant agent in town! You will be delighted as you discover the unique gifts you bring to the table.

Overcoming Self-Defeating Mindset On Auditions

This session is designed to develop your ability to be yourself and to pitch yourself in an agent meeting. You will be coached on going to the agent’s office, answering questions, and getting the mind leads them to self-defeating thoughts when they go on auditions.

Countless actors have told me that they do very well in class (which is a “safe” space), but when they go on auditions, that’s where they get nervous and blow it. Even the most successful professional performers get nervous when the pressure is on. Nerves are not what causes the problem. It is how you relate to your nervousness.

Learning to manage your nerves and even reduce them is a key to your acting success. In this coaching session, you will get tools that you can apply on your very next audition. You will learn a way to “snap” into “the zone” which will have you perform at your best.

This is NOT an acting class. This session is a transformation class on overcoming the negative affects of a worrying mind when you go on auditions so that you can use the skills and craft that you have been learning from your acting teacher.

Career Resource Fundamentals

In this session, your basic resources are evaluated and you are given guidance on actions to take to elevate your career to the next level. We will discuss your image and casting, your current photos and how well they represent the combination of your outward appearance and inner sensibilities together, or what you need to be able to do that. We also look at your current promotional activities and how effective they are. You will be tuned in to the hottest venues for finding acting work and submitting your headshot, and if you are ahead of the game there, we will discuss operating more effectively in those venues.

Career Planning 101

In this initial session, your current actions and activities on your career will be assessed and evaluated as to their productivity. You will be introduced to an outcome-producing technology that will support you in creating a Career Plan that inspires you and calls you to action. You will leave the session being clear on how to create a plan with specific actions to take to reach one to three major outcomes over the course of the next year!

Career Planning 201

(Pre-requisite: Career Planning 101)
After you have completed the first draft of your Career Plan, you will meet again to expand on and to analyze what you have created. At the end of the session, you will have what you need to be fully in action for pursuing your career more actively and aggressively than ever before!

Managing Overwhelm and The “Too Much To Do” Syndrome

Many people — not just actors — are finding themselves overwhelmed with the sheer volume of stuff in their lives that they have to manage. From the daily tasks of cleaning off your desk, sorting through mail and email, returning phone calls, and implementing “The Secret” to the enormous task of planning your career and your life, there’s TOO MUCH TO DO! This session will give you a simple but powerful system to manage every single thing you have to do in your life. You will leave the session with a simple and easy system to get the stuff out of your head and on to paper, and a way to put your action plan into reality. Once you put this system into practice, you will be blown away by how much easier your life becomes!

Networking, Follow-Up, & Contact Development Session

You’ve probably heard “You gotta know someone in Hollywood!” But what you may not have heard is how you GET TO KNOW people—or, more accurately, how to get them to know YOU! Most actors don’t know what to do when they meet a potential contact—other than ask if they can send a headshot— let alone how to follow up, work it, or leverage the contact. This session covers how to make a memorable impression, create a follow–up plan, and produce results from your contacts. When you finish the session, you will be empowered to take action.

Pitching, Meetings, & Closing the Deal

These sessions are designed to coach you in developing and delivering a pitch for your script that will make executives want to read it and to assist writers who are going into meetings or who want information on how the business works on the inside. You will also get guidance on what to expect in meetings and tips on the kinds of deals that are made. The first session also includes a copy of the Smart Girls Guidebook “What To Do When Hollywood Wants Your Script.”

Coaching & Career Planning Sessions

One-Hour Session with Melody ……………………………………………. $175
Package of Four One-Hour Sessions ……………………………………. $680
Package of Five One-Hour Sessions …………………………………….. $750

Other Strategy Sessions Available

Networking: Making, Tracking, and Leveraging Contacts
▲ Managing Overwhelm and The “Too Much To Do” Syndrome
▲ Making the Law of Attraction Work For You
▲ Why doesn’t the Law of Attraction work for me? The Not-So-Secret Secret
▲ Career Planning 101 & 201

How To Proceed

If you are ready to book your one-on-one sessions, please call Melody at 818/907-6511 or email to

We can have a brief conversation to make sure this is right for you. If it is, then you can place your order and we will book your first session!  We look forward to getting you started!

Contact Us

Smart Girls Productions
4335 Van Nuys Blvd., #322
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 | 818 907-6511
Copyright 1999 – 2025

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