Systematically Target the Right Prospects For Your Script

Get Your Script in Front of Hollywood Producers​

With the Genie Genre Marketing Bundle
Professional Query Letter and Custom Genre Producer List


You’ve put an enormous amount of time into writing your script. Maybe you worked into the wee hours of the night downing countless cups of java, maybe you had to squeeze out 45 minutes in the mornings before you went to work — whatever it required to finish your script, it’s a miracle you were able to do it, and it’s truly an accomplishment you should be proud of!

Now to the HARD PART!  (LOL) 

Marketing your script!  A phrase the mere mention of which puts the fear of God in the heart of the hardiest writers! If you’ve ever tried to condense your 100-page screenplay into one perfect short logline, you know what I’m talking about. That’s not to mention trying to figure out who to send that said logline to.

The truth is, marketing is NEVER easy! — But it’s got to be done. 

What You Need To Market Your Script

Strong Query Letter

A great query letter tells your story in a couple of sentences or so and your pitch needs to be as high quality as your script itself!  You have to encapsulate your story in just a couple of sentences that intrigue the producer so much they feel compelled to read your script. It goes without saying that you must have a great script, but it is a whole different skill to be able to distill your pitch down into a great query letter that will compell a producer to read your script. But even then, there’s one more thing… You also need:

Targeted List of Producers FOR YOUR SCRIPT

No matter how good your idea is or how well your script is written if you don’t target the right people, it won’t matter. You must target companies who might be interested in a script like yours Trying to pitch the wrong people in Hollywood is unprofessional at best and desperate at worst. You must target companies who have done projects of related genres or you will do yourself far more harm than good.

But even that is not enough.

You must also find companies at the right level in the food chain of Hollywood. Sending your query letter to the biggest studios and top production companies will almost guarantee that you get a scary sounding threatening letter from their legal department warning: “If you ever send material to us again, we’re gonna x#lk@djfozv#e– ” We don’t want you to get one of those letters and be put on their list to IGNORE PERMANENTLY!

The kinds of companies to target is a lot like Goldilocks finding the right bed. You need to find production companies who might be interested in a project like yours and they need to be at the right level in the Hollywood hierarchy. Not too big and not too small. Companies who are in the sweet spot of being legitimate because they have produced some projects, but they are still trying to move up the food chain by finding a great script… which is where YOU COME IN. You might have that script they are looking for and we want them to know that you have it! 

So how do they find out, you might ask?  You need a:

Solid Plan For Following Up

There’s one more thing that is critical to have in place before beginning your marketing plan: You must have a Follow Up plan in place. 

Given the way we are all deluged with Emails every day, you must plan to follow-up on the emails you send out. When you sending an email out once, you may very well get a response. But generally speaking, in any kind of sales, it takes multiple contacts to make that sale… and the more competitive the business — such as the film business — the more times you might have to reach out to people. YES… it can happen after only ONE contact… but your mindset should be that you are prepared to follow up… because that’s what is usually necessary!

Well, after more than two decades of helping writers connect to Hollywood, I’m not gonna leave you hanging. I have created a Service that incorporates all three of these things.

Now I’ve got some GOOD NEWS for you:

Smart Girls can help you Market Your Script!


Genre Genie Script Marketing Bundle

In our recently-updated signature service, the Genre Genie Script Marketing Bundle, you will receive a custom-written professional selling Query Letter for Your Script along with a Custom List of Producers hand-selected for you as potential targets to contact about your script. Each contact will have the best email address we can find (and sometimes more than one), so you send them your Email Query Letter and follow-up in the proper manner.

In the Genre Genie Script Marketing Bundle, you’ll also receive a collection of follow-up Email Templates that guide you in exactly what to say in your follow-up emails depending on the exact situation, so you don’t have to worry about whether you’re doing it right or wrong and what to say. We’ve prepared all of that for you!

The Genre Genie Script Marketing Bundle is a complete kit in which Smart Girls does the hardest parts for you, then guides you on exactly what you need to do for your part, so you don’t have to spend your precious mental energy on marketing. 

All you have to do is to copy and paste the Email Query Letter we write for you and Send it out to the Email Addresses we give you.  It could NOT be easier! THEN bada-bing bada-boom, your pitch is in front of legitimate Hollywood producers.  

YOU GET YOUR CHANCE to have legitimate Hollywood producers read you screenplay.

And that’s what everyone wants, right? You want YOUR CHANCE to have something happen! And that is what you get with the Genre Genie Script Marketing Bundle.

What's in the Genre Genie Marketing Bundle?

Our Signature Service hands you everything you need to reach out to Hollywood producers and pitch your script professionally. 

Professional Query Letter Pitch

We will write a professional query letter pitch written for your screenplay highlighting its most appealing elements.

Genie Genre List of Targeted Producers

You will receive a List of Producers who make films or TV shows in the Genre of Your Choosing who make related types of projects. To do this we pull from our own Smart Database of over 3000 names. We are always updating and adding new companis and new people to contact, all the while building on the WEALTH of information we have accumlated over more than two decades!

Email Templates For Follow-Up

And thirdly we will select the companies of the right size and at the right level so you have your best chances of making contact with them

Our Genre Genie Marketing Bundle sets you up to take that final step necessary to truly give your dream of seeing your screenplay on the Big Screen a chance to come true. If you never get your pitch in front of a producer, you will never get your movie in front of an audience.

How Does the Genie Genre Marketing Bundle Work?

To kick off your Script Marketing Campaign, we have you complete a form with lots of questions about your script, where you see it fitting in the market, and about your background, and related information.

You take your time on completing that, then you let us know you’re done, and we take it from there.  We’ll draft a query letter for your review. We will create a strategy for identifying the companies who could potentially be your very best targets to offer your script to.Then you’ll get to review the query letter and our research strategy and make any changes.  Then we move into the home stretch for finishing up!

We will do a final review of everything, we’ll finalize your list of producers, then we’ll email you everything you need to kick off your campaign. You’ll have your Email Query Pitch, a spreadsheet and directory of your producers with as much of their contact information as we can gather.

We’ll even give you follow up email templates because it’s so important to follow up!

Are you ready to give your script the chance you deserve?

If you’re excited to get started, just choose your option below.  Click on the button and it’ll take you to our Hollywood Business School site and then you just have to follow instructions. And if you have any problems, you can call me directly at my office at 818/907-6511. If you still have questions, keep reading below this button

Choose Your Option To Get Started!

Genre Genie Email Query Letter Only

$ 275
  • You will receive a query letter pitching your script along with 6 Follow-Up Email Message Templates to use for various situations.

Most Popular!

Genre Genie Email Query & 60 Producers

$ 497
  • This packages includes the query letter, four follow up email messages, and the custom list of 60 producers researched for your script.

Genre Genie 60 Producers Only

$ 275
  • For this, you will get a list of 60 production companies identified as target prospects for your script

Need to hear more about this Script Marketing Campaign before you decide? Okay, keep reading,,,

This Proven Step-By-Step Script Marketing Campaign Gives You Hollywood Executives For You To Target for Your Specific Screenplay

Do Companies Accept Unsolicited Script Submissions?
Plain and simple, many companies do not accept unsolicited letters. That's exactly why you have to diligently research to find companies at the right level who are more likely to be open to it!

One of the biggest frustrations you will face in marketing your script if you haven’t already is getting someone to even read your pitch — because so many companies have a “No Unsolicited Pitches” policy.

At Smart Girls we track over 2000 production companies of various sizes, and as much as possible, we keep track of which ones have super strict policies against reading unsolicited material. If we see a consistent pattern of them returning unsolicited materials, we put mark that in our database and we quit selecting them for our clients.

While most large companies in Hollywood legally cannot accept unsolicited pitches, there are many smaller, producers who would love nothing more than to find a great script that they could move up the food chain with. They are the ones who can get to the bigger companies on your behalf.

Those are the companies we seek out to put on your list.

Our Genre Genie strives to find producers who are hungry for a script in your genre.
Then we put them on the list.
Summary of What You Get wit the Genre Genie Marketing Bundle

A professional Email Pitch and Query Letter presents your script with its best possible “hook.”

A Hand-Picked List of 60 Producers Chosen Specifically For Your Script, eliminating the ones we know don’t take unsolicited letters.

A complete, detailed report of exactly who you are sending to so you can follow up with them for as long as you wish. We include any of the email addresses we’ve been able to find for that executive and company we’ve chosen for you.

 We’ll even send you a set of mail merged letters and labels which you can then print and mail out, if you want to send hard copies.

and lots more…

You will feel a great sense of satisfaction knowing that you are finally putting your script out there. You will know you have taken a Big Step toward giving yourself a legitimate chance at getting in the Hollywood game, where you could potentially sell your screenplay for hundreds of thousands of dollars and see it made into a REAL Hollywood movie.

Bonuses to Help You Make the Most of Your Campaign


Script Marketing Launch Basics PDF

This PDF includes a checklist of what to do to make sure your script is ready to go and also to protect it as best you can.


Follow Up Impact PDF with 17 Tips

Once you make your inital contact, you need to follow-up. This PDF will give you ideas on practice tips to prepare you for follow-up phone emails, calls or even meetings. You’ll also get general tips overall for your marketing efforts.


13 Ways to Leverage Your Marketing Package PDF

This Guidebook covers the most common mistake writers make when marketing their screenplays and an easy way to avoid it

Ready to find Your Script’s Hollywood Champion: Here’s How To Get Started:

  • Click on the option of your choice from the packages below. It will take you to a secure checkout over at our sister company Hollywood Business School (HBS) to enter your credit card and check-out. You’ll get a chance to review it all before paying. 
  • The HBS site is also the residence of the Bonus Course you get and the Bonus Materials mentioned above. You’ll find them in the Screenwriter’s Green Room. 
  • If you prefer, you can call and place your order with us over the phone at 818/907-6511 Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 Pacific time..

Ready to Meet your Script’s Hollywood Champion?
Simply click on the
right package for YOU!

Choose Your Option To Get Started!

Genre Genie Email Query Letter Only

$ 275
  • You will receive a query letter pitching your script along with 6 Follow-Up Email Message Templates to use for various situations.

Most Popular!

Genre Genie Email Query & 60 Producers

$ 497
  • This packages includes the query letter, four follow up email messages, and the custom list of 60 producers researched for your script.

Genre Genie 60 Producers Only

$ 275
  • For this, you will get a list of 60 production companies identified as target prospects for your script
What Happens After You Place Your Order:
  • You will receive a link to the Smart Girls Online Green Room, where you will be guided through the entire process. You will see a link to the form to fill out of all the information we need to write your letter and select your producers.
  • After we write your email query letter, you will get to review it along with the Marketing Strategy we are planning, and you can make as many changes on the letter and strategy as you want until you’re satisfied.
  • Then using our proprietary custom-created SmartStudio™ software, we hand-pick the Hollywood Producers to target for your script.
  • After we’ve written your letter and picked your producers, we will email you all of the materials you need to start marketing to Hollywood, with lots of supporting documents to tell you exactly what to do. 
  • We will also be available by phone or email to answer any questions you may have!

If you’re ready to make your dream possible, simply click the Add to Cart button on the right package for YOU!

Choose Your Option To Get Started!

Genre Genie Email Query Letter Only

$ 275
  • You will receive a query letter pitching your script along with 6 Follow-Up Email Message Templates to use for various situations.

Most Popular!

Genre Genie Email Query & 60 Producers

$ 497
  • This packages includes the query letter, four follow up email messages, and the custom list of 60 producers researched for your script.

Genre Genie 60 Producers Only

$ 275
  • For this, you will get a list of 60 production companies identified as target prospects for your script
Still Have Questions? Here are More Answers!
Will This Work For You?

Of course, I can’t say whether you will sell your script, but once you get your Genre Genie Marketing Packagae, you are legitimately “On the court and in the Game” and it becomes POSSIBLE.  Once you send the emails out in the package we give you, you have taken the action that literally make it possible that something amazing can happen.

You WILL be in the game.

Although There’s No Guarantee, Here's What Could Happen Once You're In the Game:
  • You might get an “option.”

  • You could make an outright sale of your script.

  • A producer with a connection to a studio could take it to the studio and get them to put the money up to make it.

  • You have a list that you follow up with over time and you get someone interested six months from now.

  • A producer could  read your script, decide it’s not right for them, but they love your writing and hire you to do re-write one of their scripts.

Our clients have gotten their screenplays read by almost every major studio and production company in town, as well as by hundreds of small producers who can be your “proxy,” so to speak, to take your script around to the Big Shots in Hollywood.

We’ve helped all types of screenwriters at all levels take a big step forward their dream. We guarantee that when you do your script marketing campaign that you will be marketing to dozens of  active Hollywood execs who could potentially be the right person to champion it around town to get it made into a movie.

What Qualifies Smart Girls Productions to Be Doing This?

I knew nothing about the film and TV business when I started working in it. I didn’t have any connections or training in it. 

I learned the business from the ground up when I started selling film distribution tracking software to the film industry. That job gave me deep insights into how the money flows from the box office back into the studios, from all distribution channels all over the world and domestically. I was fascinated by it. While doing that I got interested in the creative side, and for a few years, I pursued an acting and screenwriting career. It was during that time that I put on my Computer Geek Hat with pride and created my a system for myself to get an agent and get my scripts read by production companies. After a few years on the creative side, I was clear I liked the business side better. That’s when I officially quit the creative side and focused solely on doing what I love — the business side, using my background in marketing, I put my Computer Geek Hat back on for good. Smart Girls became my full time business and I used the systems I had set up for myself to help other actors and writers.

Since starting Smart Girls, I’ve worked with over 10,000 clients. My writer clients have gotten their scripts optioned, had their scripts produced, and have been hired for rewriting assignments and new writing assignmentsOthers have gotten TV staff writing jobsagents, first-look deals, and so on.  Sometimes it’s immediate and sometimes it takes a while for them, but it happens.

My job is to guide you and help you present yourself and your script in the best way you can so you make the critical first contacts with legitimate Hollywood producers.  You’re not going to start at the top but it is very possible to start in the middle! I’m not here to blow smoke and guarantee your script will become a movie — I’m here to help you set the wheels in motion to open the door to many possibilities for your screenplay and your screenwriting career.

If your script is ready for the market, then it’s time to take action. Imagine what it would be like to see your movie being advertised with “Now running at a theatre near you!” Imagine it. If you can imagine it and your script is ready, now it’s time to take the first step to market it: 

Choose Your Option To Get Started!

Genre Genie Email Query Letter Only

$ 275
  • You will receive a query letter pitching your script along with 6 Follow-Up Email Message Templates to use for various situations.

Most Popular!

Genre Genie Email Query & 60 Producers

$ 497
  • This packages includes the query letter, four follow up email messages, and the custom list of 60 producers researched for your script.

Genre Genie 60 Producers Only

$ 275
  • For this, you will get a list of 60 production companies identified as target prospects for your script

Still Have Questions?
We Have Even More Answers For You

In the past Smart Girls always gave printed letters to clients, but at this point in time, it is better to send by email as your main effort. However, since fewer letters are sent by regular mail, you could use it as complementary strategy to your email. Just ask and we can mail merge the letters and labels for you and send those files for you to print when you're ready.

Getting representation is always a loaded issue for writers. The fact is that if you have GOOD representation, meaning someone who has clout AND also believes in you and your projects, that is idea. But most of the time, you will find it hard to get the attention of an agent or manager if you are a newbie writer with no feature film credits released in theatres or serious TV series credits.

No, we do not send out for you. The standard service includes you getting a spreadsheet with the email addresseses we have for the production companies and you can email them yourself. We do offer as an add on service that we can do the First Contact for you for $200 additional. Some writers like this because it gets one more step out of the way for them, then you can focuse on the follow up only.

It is very rare to sell a screenplay outright. Instead, if you are fortunate enough to get a deal you will more likely get an option, which yields 10% of the sale price.  The selling price will vary greatly depending on several factors. It could range from a $40,000 sale price which New Line Cinema used to pay for an outright sale, to $125,000 or $250,000 for a "spec" screenplay that has potential.

The biggest reason so many crappy movies get made is that a Hollywood executive is held accountable for the movies they greenlight. You have some true creatives -- who get thanked for taking chances at the Academy Awards. But most of the time, executives play it safe by doing things for which they will have a justifiable excuse that the failure was not their fault. These include: Make the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th movie in a successful franchise.... Having a star attached (then they blame the star)... and or having a great director attached (blame them!)...  Hollywood is about making money just like any other Wall Street firm. The question is what will make money. Some execs do have deep souls and want to make movies that promote their values AND make money. Many are doing their job to make money for the firm they work for.

If you don't have the money in your budget, don't do it. You are taking a chance, just like you put countless hours into your writing without a guarantee. If you do have the money, all I can say is that if you can’t take a chance on marketing your script for a few hundred dollars, why would a producer ever want to put millions into making it?

I never use the word "easy" or "easier" with the phrase "to get made." NO PROJECT is easy to get made. But in the spirit of the question, everyone right now wants a hit on Netflix... or maybe Amazon. They offer a hybrid distribution opportunity  for movies, limited run series, and ongoing series. When you have a long movie that can be broken into several episodes for a limited run series, this can mean more money for everyone. But likewise, you may have a story that is whole and complete in itself. First and foremost focus on what is right for your project. Secondly, if it authentically lends itself to be a limited run series or series, that can be promoted as well. 

No you don't. Not to start. The whole process of the Script Marketing Campaign that Smart Girls works with you on is to help you build contacts. Most of our clients do not have Hollwyood contacts they can go to, so we help you "get to know" them. You don't have to know someone up front... although if you do, we can advise you on how to best reach out to them.

My clients have pretty much had every conceivable thing happen, from getting their movie made to getting an option, to million dollar deals being close and falling through, to being hired to write scripts for a company. But you should decide on whether this makes sense for you. Each script is unique as is the zeitgeist. The question is: Does it make sense to you that you need to have a query letter pitch and find the right companies to send it to to give yourself a chance? If yes, then let's get to work on this.

This is a valid concern. Be sure to register your project with the WGA and also copyright your work with the U.S. Copyright office. Once you do that, you have  the first level of protection should someone try to steal your work. If you think someone has stolen your work, then you need to hire an attorney. But your starting point is to Register with the WGA and Copyright with the U.S. Copyright office.

We have no reason to sign a contract as our service and what we provide is published on the internet.  We also do not guarantee a specific outcome as we have no control over what producers think of your idea or project. However, we are happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement which indicates that we will not share your idea with anyone directly. We are not producers so we will definitely not produce your idea.

We're standing by... waiting for your order to come through!


You still have questions? 

Okay, then, just call me (Melody) at 818/907-6511
or email me at

Choose Your Option To Get Started!

Genre Genie Email Query Letter Only

$ 275
  • You will receive a query letter pitching your script along with 6 Follow-Up Email Message Templates to use for various situations.

Most Popular!

Genre Genie Email Query & 60 Producers

$ 497
  • This packages includes the query letter, four follow up email messages, and the custom list of 60 producers researched for your script.

Genre Genie 60 Producers Only

$ 275
  • For this, you will get a list of 60 production companies identified as target prospects for your script
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WAIT! Before you go!

Grab Your FREE 21 Checkpoints to Make Your Script More Marketable!

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