Services For Actors

Producer List, Email Query, Script Typing, Consultation

We can help you every step of the way.

What Do You Need Help With?

Script Marketing Campaign

Get your script out to Hollywood producers to try to find your Champion who will take it to the studios! 

Market your screenplay or TV script with a strong pitch crafted for use in a query letter, email or even a verbal pitch. Get your Custom Producer Dossier of 60 production companies hand-picked for your script to send your Query Letter to.

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Script Analysis &   Review

Get professional feedback from Melody Jackson, Ph.D., rated one of the Top 5 Script Analysts in all 3 of the in-depth blind surveys done by Creative Screenwriting Magazine.

 With a Ph.D. in Mythology and 25+ years in Marketing, get feedback to make your script great both as a story and for marketing.

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Script Typing & Formatting

There’s no excuse for not having your script typed and formatted properly. To not do so would be an unforced error.

Got a script that was typed before and you’ve lost the original? Have you hand-written a script that needs to be typed and formatted? Or just need to have one re-typed and cleaned up?  We got you covered.  

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