Legendary Screenwriter William Goldman Interview

The Man, The Screenwriter Legend, William Goldman — On his famous quote “Nobody knows anything.”  An interesting interview.

William Goldman wrote the book “Adventures in the Screen Trade: A Personal View of Hollywood and Screenwriting” — which is now available in the Amazon Kindle format.  This book is a classic on screenwriting which every screenwriter should read. William Goldman might seem like a bit of an old codger — I say that with fondness! — because he tells it like it is — which I LOVE!

In the interview, he explains what he meant by his famous “Nobody knows anything” comment.

Hearing the perspective of screenwriters like this gives you a real sense of what it’s like to be inside Hollywood. You also get to see that everyone has ups and downs and uncertainties and that’s part of the business.  Most of all, you will still be inspired about screenwriting when you finish — even if you learn about the challenges.

If you can’t listen to the entire video at once, keep in mind that YouTube has smart play and it will mark where you leave off. Then when you come back, it’ll be marked where you last left that video….most of the time!

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Melody Jackson, Ph.D.


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