The Game Has Changed In Hollywood

Get A Personal Manager

They can’t be too big — and they shouldn’t be too small.
They must be in the Sweet Spot, targeting those most likely to be your champions.

Things have changed from the old school time of when Managers only managed someone who had “something to manage.” Managers are now much more hands on in working with actors at every level of developing their careers. 

While some managers only represent established actors trying to get them to the next level, other select managers work with newer actors earlier on in their careers. Ideally, wherever the a tor is, the perfect manager for them will help them with a range of advice from the actor’s branding image thru introducing them to industry contacts. 

Managers generally provide more personal guidance than agents do. Any actor could, potentially, benefit from a personal manager.

Your chances of getting a personal manager to represent you, however, are much better if you have an ‘angle’ from which to market yourself. Smart Girls can help you identify what your angle might be and what your chances of getting your own personal manager are.

Smart Girls maintains one of the most complete and current lists containing information on more than 500 personal managers in the Hollywood area.

Hi, I’m Melody Jackson, and I’ve worked with thousands of actors over the past two decades and I know that the biggest problem you face is getting auditions. My guess is that if you could get auditions on your own, you’d be more than happy to forgo the agent, because what YOU want is auditions!

The sad part is, too often, when you’re not getting the auditions you should be getting, it’s frustrating. You might even feel like you’ve failed. Seeds of doubt begin to grow in your mind and sometimes you might even question whether you should continue pursuing your lifelong dream of being a professional actor.

But, in the end, you keep trying. Most of the time, you just do what you can to get auditions on your own. You submit to Actors Access or L.A. Casting.

Maybe you find out about a casting through some random email list you subscribe to… or maybe you managed to get illegal access to the Breakdowns… and you submit for a role… just hoping to get a measly little audition for the real projects — like network TV shows, Amazon or Netflix, or a big movie.

I know how it is. I’ve been there.

In fact, sometimes it’s even worse! Like when you do have an agent but they still don’t send you out — not even for roles that should have your name in the description because you know you’re such a perfect match for it.

The problem with all of these options is you’re still limited in what auditions you will be considered for.

To be sent out for the auditions you want, at the right level for you, you must have a good agent or manager… and they must understand you and what you have to offer.

YOUR JOB IS TO FIND THAT MANAGER — who is looking for YOU!

Smart Girls Productions is the only company on earth who has continually accumulated feedback from actors, tracked the current stats and status, and graded the effectiveness of hundreds of state-licensed and union-franchised agencies and management companies in Hollywood for more than two decades.

If you don’t have a strong agent or manager who: — totally believes in you… — is known in the industry… — will aggressively work for you… You will never get the auditions you need to be a working actor–let alone a well-known, in-demand film star playing the roles you want to play, working alongside the top talent in the business. You need to sign with a manager who is the best match for where you are in your career…. as soon as possible. Today I’m thrilled to tell you about our EXPANDED Manager Marketing Service. With minimal effort on your part, this service gives you a CHANCE to get yourself in front of managers who could potentially CHAMPION YOU to Hollwood.

For your BEST CHANCE of finding the Right Manager for you, you must put your BEST PRESENTATION forward and it must be to the managers in the sweet spot for where you are in your career.

They can’t be too big — and they shouldn’t be too small. They must be in the Sweet Spot, targeting those most likely to be your champions.

Our freshly-updated Smart Girls Manager Marketing Service and Mini-Brand Assessment will help you put forth your BEST PRESENTATION and make it easy for you to target Your Mostly Likely Management Champions.

Get An Email Cover Letter Pitching You to 60 Hand-Picked Managers
With No Frustration, Stress or Sweat on Your Part

Let Smart Girls Handle the Details So You Can Do what You Love!

Service Highlights
What You Get
Custom Email Cover Letter Pitching You!
Convenient CSV of Manager Contact Information
60 Handpicked Managers Selected For You
Multiple Ways to Reach Out to the Managers
Mini-Branding Review of Headshots, Reel & Resume
BONUS! Follow Up Email Templates

The two biggest problems in getting an agent is 1) knowing the best way to pitch yourself — 95% of actors feel like their credits are not good enough — and then 2) knowing which managers to target so you don’t waste your time.

With this Manager Marketing Service, you don’t have to worry about any of that. We will write a great letter for you to send by mail or email to present you in the best way possible so agents take notice.

We will also strategically choose 60 legitimate Managers who you could be a match for their roster. All you have to do is fill out the questionnaire and we will take it from there!60

Get Started Now!
Manager Marketing Package

With this service you are getting that CHANCE to get yourself in front of agents who could be a CHAMPION FOR YOU that you’ve been wanting.

Regular price: $597
Sale Price: ONLY $497
SAVE $100

What Our Customers Are Saying
“…received eight calls!”

I loved the cover letter you wrote for me. It was exactly what I wanted and needed to market myself in shopping for new agents. For the first time doing mailings to agents, I received eight calls and ended up signing with a GREAT commercial agent. Thank you again!”

Actress – Los Angeles, CA

“Smart Girls customer service is excellent!”

Smart Girls customer service is excellent. I got multiple follow-up calls from them. It’s unusual to have someone checking on your career like they do. It was great! I felt very supported.

Actor – Los Angeles, CA

“Melody made me feel very organized and empowered…”

Melody made me feel very organized and empowered when I left her home office. She has a great energy.

Actress – Los Angeles, CA

“It works!”

It works! I did my mailing and got calls the very next day. I went to my first meeting and found the agent to be exactly what I wanted. ”

Actress – Los Angeles, CA

It's Time To Find Your Champion

It’s time to truly give yourself a chance to find an agent who will be YOUR CHAMPION, to believe in you, promote your talents and get you auditions.

If you agree that it’s time, then click below to get your mailing started and Move Forward on it.

This package comes with my personal 100% Rock Solid guarantee. I guarantee that I will work on your Cover Letter until you are satisfied with it. I cannot guarantee you will get an agent — that’s ultimately between you and any agents you meet — but I do guarantee that your package will be professional, and that I will give you honest feedback on each element of your package so you can feel confident you’re putting your best foot forward.

What You Get With Your Mailing

Our freshly-updated Smart Girls Talent Agent Mailing and Mini-Brand Assessment Service will help you put forth your BEST PRESENTATION and make it easy for you to target Your Mostly Likely Agent Champions.


TALENT AGENT PITCH LETTER: You will never have to worry about what to say about yourself again. You will get a rockin’ Actor Cover Letter written to pitch you truthfully and honestly in the most appealing and marketable way possible. It will give agents a sense of who you are and show them what you have to offer. You can then continue to use your cover letter as the foundation for pitching yourself anywhere you like in the future.


HEADSHOT FEEDBACK: You can submit your headshots for feedback and review, and we’ll recommend which one(s) to use.


DEMO CLIPS & PAGES: If you have a demo reel, Actors Access page, L.A. Casting, or IMDB page, we’ll tell you how they could be improved if we see opportunities. If you don’t have an Actors Access page, we’ll show you how to set it up and optimize it.


CUSTOM HAND-PICKED LIST of 60 AGENTS: Your list of agents will be hand-picked to help you meet your goals. Our ongoing research saves you the time and headache of trying to figure out who to send to, and it relieves you of the tedious hassle of tracking down their contact information.  We will also give you as much of their contact information as we can find so you can reach them multiple ways. And if they don’t list one means to contact them, they list another way — and we give you all of them we have!


MAIL MERGED LETTERS & LABELS: Once we have your Cover Letter completed and your list of hand-picked agents, we will also mail merge the letters and labels for you, so all you have to do is print them out or take them to a printing/copy store and have them print them for you. Then you package them up and send them out.  Even if you don’t want to send hard copy letters to all of the agents we select for you, there might be a handful of your favorites that you’d like to reach out to multiple ways. 


RESUME REVIEW: You’ll get tips on how to make your resume look as good as possible with the credits and training you have.


GUIDANCE ON YOUR PRESENTATION: For your best chance, you must present the most professional and appealing package possible to agents. We give you lots of guidance on how to do that.


BONUS COURSE: With this package, your are getting a bonus. You will get — Free Access to the Talent Agent Green Room, a $197 course with LOTS of tips on getting your headshots ready, preparing your emails, and optimizing your campaign all the way around. It tells you all the backroom stuff you need to do before “going on!”

With this Smart Girls Agent Marketing Service, you are presenting yourself professionally and GIVING YOURSELF A CHANCE to get an agent who can get you the auditions you long for and deserve.

You will receive professional marketing guidance and assistance every step of the way so you can make the most of this opportunity as you seek an agent who will love you and be Your Champion.

If you’re ready to present yourself at your very best and want to give yourself a SERIOUS CHANCE to get a good solid agent, then let’s get started.

How Does It Work?

After you place your order, you will get login information to our training center at Hollywood Business School. There you will get access to complete a detailed online questionnaire of over 20 questions that go straight to the heart of what is most marketable about you. To write your cover letter, I pull from that and other materials you submit.  The letter will present your best credentials and assets, said in a way that infuses a subtle touch of your personality.

All you have to do is fill out the questionnaire truthfully.  Just tell me the good stuff, the bad stuff, or any concerns you have, and I will write a great, authentic Cover Letter for you. You can review it to your heart’s content, and we will work on it until you feel great about it. Once we’re both happy with it — where you love it and we feel it’s professional and marketable — then we finish up your mailing and you’re well on the way to getting an agent.

We have a special offer for only $497 for the whole shebang right now.  It is truly a great deal considering how much you get — at this price, it’s less than One Month of most acting classes, but for this you only pay it one time!

Join Over 7,500 Happy Actors
“Peaks The Interest Of Potential Agents“

This is a great service for actors who have tape. The way Melody phrases the letters hits on interesting points such as, what you have done with your career. It peaks the interest of the potential agent/manager. It’s also very good for people who are new to the area, the listings are great.

Dre-Michael Cheney
Actor – Los Angeles, CA

"Highlighted My Credits Brilliantly"

I met Melody Jackson hours after we finished running a marathon in Kona, Hawaii, for the American Stroke Association. Soon after, I went to Smart Girls, where they crafted a personalized introductory letter which highlighted my credits brilliantly. I got a list of specific agents that perfectly matched my level of experience. The phone started ringing the very next day. I signed with an agent, and within a month, booked two TV shows (How I Met Your Mother and What About Brian). I’ve now added a manager to my team. It’s a smart choice to hire Smart Girl Melody Jackson!

Carlease Burke
Actress – Los Angeles, CA

“8 Calls Within The First Week”

Melody transformed my resumes and cover letters to a whole new level. I had more than 8 calls within the first week and more coming! Amazing!

Lyndel Soon
Actress – Los Angeles, CA

You’ve Been Struggling And Fed Up About Not Getting The Auditions You Want For Far Too Long
It’s time to put an end to the frustration and disappointment and just give yourself your best chance to get a strong agent. You can do it painlessly by using the Smart Girls Talent Agent Mailing.

Click the Red Button above to get your mailing started. It will take you to the cart to pay at our sister site You can then pay there with a credit card or Paypal, and then you’ll immediately be logged into the HollywoodBSchool site where you will get access to your questionnaire to begin the process.

You’ll also receive the email to get started. Then we’ll be rocking and rolling.

Over 20+ years of doing this has taught me that just about any time of the year has both a pro and a con for doing a mailing right then — a reason for it and a reason against it. Over the summer the work is slower for agents, but at the same time, that means they have more time to meet with new talent to consider for their rosters. Over the winter is Christmas where everyone gets busy, but then pilot season starts in January and agents get more picky about who they consider, so you might have a better chance now.

In some cases, such as a holiday weekend, you might want to delay sending our your letters or emails to the agents by three or four days, but as for the season or time of year, there is always a case to be made for moving ahead now or waiting till some time later. Since there’s always a pro and a con, and most of the time neither point wins, I go with the theory of “we’re not getting any younger here, so let’s do it.” And if it’s approaching a holiday, that’s fine… get everything ready anyway, then mail things out right after it. Things tend to take more time than you expect anyway.

Ultimately to have a professional career, you’ll need to join the union, but we’ve helped countless actors get agents without being a member of SAG.

No. If you’re going to do the Marketing Package, you should go on and get started and use some of the tips in the Green Room to help you get your best shots. It’s important to have your photos aligned with your overall branding, so you’ll get some guidance on that. You want to make sure it’s all aligned. You can still go to any photographer you choose, we just want to give you some guidance for the overall package.

If you mean do they take on new clients, YES! Many do. Some of the top ones do not consider new unknown talent, however. And if you mean hard copy submissions vs. emails, most agents and managers DO still take them, though there are a handful who do not. With your package, you’ll have a variety of ways to reach out to them.

Smart Girls has an 80% Success Rate TOTAL over the years, meaning 8 out of 10 actors end up getting agents or managers out of their initial mailing. But even if you don’t get them initially, we now empower you to continue marketing to your list so even if you don’t get one at first, your odds go dramatically up when you follow up!

The amount of time it takes to complete the entire service and to get your mailing back depends on a lot on how fast you return your questionnaire and materials. It also depends on how fast you tell me you want your mailing back!

I try to accommodate what my client want. Typically, since there are a few steps, such as you fill out the questionnaire then letting me know you’re done. Then I draft a letter, then let you know to review it. Then if you want to discuss it with me, then we have to set up a time to talk! Each of these things takes a day or two here and there. But generally, if an actor is focused and available as needed, it will take about 2 weeks or so to get everything done without rushing.

It you need it faster than that, just let me know right after you order when you need it and I’ll do my best to accommodate that.

Ultimately, the timing for getting your mailing back? How fast do you want it back? How fast can you complete the Questionnaire? I will try to accomodate your timeline as desired!

We don’t really have payment plans, but sometimes if it’s the only way an actor can do it and they really need to do it that way, give us a call to discuss a plan to work for you.

Of course! You can even tell us some to EXCLUDE since you may have had an agent in the past that you want to avoid! The standard questionnaire asks you this exact question and it’s part of the Marketing Strategy.

The great thing is that you don’t have to decide up front. We give you all the information so you can market to the agents and managers in multiple ways.

Depending on where you are in your career and your specific situation, we can help you determine which is right for you. The cost is the same, so if you are not sure, go ahead and place your order, fill out the questionnaire and let us know you’re not sure — then we will make a suggestion based on all of your background and other data. We can also discuss it on the phone before finalizing.

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