After you place your order, you will get login information to our training center at Hollywood Business School. There you will get access to complete a detailed online questionnaire of over 20 questions that go straight to the heart of what is most marketable about you. To write your cover letter, I pull from that and other materials you submit. The letter will present your best credentials and assets, said in a way that infuses a subtle touch of your personality.
All you have to do is fill out the questionnaire truthfully. Just tell me the good stuff, the bad stuff, or any concerns you have, and I will write a great, authentic Cover Letter for you. You can review it to your heart’s content, and we will work on it until you feel great about it. Once we’re both happy with it — where you love it and we feel it’s professional and marketable — then we finish up your mailing and you’re well on the way to getting an agent.
We have a special offer for only $497 for the whole shebang right now. It is truly a great deal considering how much you get — at this price, it’s less than One Month of most acting classes, but for this you only pay it one time!