Should I leave my old credits on my acting resume? — ASK SMART GIRLS SERIES

I have just started a new series of posts called ASK SMART GIRL!

Each week or so I will be answering some of the questions I get asked a lot! Today is the very FIRST ONE for Actors.

The question for today is “Should I leave my old credits on my acting resume if I don’t have any great new ones?”

If you ask three different professionals in the industry, you’ll definitely get three different recommendations.

In this video, however, I give you the answer the most definitely trumps them all.  If you don’t look at it from the perspective that I offer, then nothing else matters.

Watch it now to learn the answer!


If you have a question you would like to have me answer, please email me here  If enough people ask the same question, I’ll be sure to answer it!

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