Once you finish your screenplay, you have to get it out to the market to find an agent or manager, but most screenwriters don't know the real difference. The basic difference and the basic benefits ...
You spent the last year writing your 100-page script to perfection. You slaved over each scene and every line of dialogue. You are finally ready to introduce your newborn baby to the market. And the ...
Mission Critical: 7 Keys to Make Sure Your Screenplay is Properly Formatted Before Sending It Out When it comes to getting your screenplay noticed by industry professionals, formatting is not just a minor detail—it’s mission ...
You’ve probably have heard that you need to schmooze in Hollywood, and sometimes hearing this makes actors shudder because they feel it means they need to be fake, manipulative, and a put-on. The fact is ...
Most screenwriters know that networking and getting to know producers, agents and managers – or have them know you and read your work – is critical to a successful screenwriting career. You’ve heard how you ...
Lots of Screenwriters say they’ve done everything they know to do and are still not achieving the goals they want, still not getting their scripts read. This two-part article series is meant to help you ...
In Hollywood, as in a number of businesses, contact equity is critical. The more of the right people you know, the more valuable your Rolodex is, and the more opportunities and power you have to ...
Most writers realize that when they finish their screenplay, at some point, they will need to get a script analysis / consultation. There are probably thousands of people who are offering to do this, from ...
It surprises me to find that so many screenwriters don't realize that they need to have a point to their story. By the time all is said and done, at the end of your 90-minute ...
You may have lots of ideas for screenplays or you may have only one. But before you write any of them, consider whether your premise has enough dramatic potential and commercial appeal to sustain a ...
Do you “Loop” Like I Do On Your Rewriting? If you said yes, you might need to get some Script Coverage. But first… See if this sounds familiar… You sit alone and write your script. You ...