Have You Been Longing For Your Shot at a Hollywood Acting Career?
The Wait is Over

Hollywood Kickoff For Adults

Recover Some of the Years You Lost Just Dreaming
About Being an Actor... Start Fast Tracking Your Opportunity Now

Do you sometimes privately dream of being an actor on TV shows or in movies?  

Have you wanted to just give it a shot but somehow things just keep getting in the way? Like family… school… your job… money… kids?

I ask because I constantly hear actors say they wish they had started sooner. And some of them put off their dream for so long that by the time they decide to give it a shot, they then feel like it’s too late to start so they put it off again… and maybe for good… or maybe not. Maybe they call me three years later ready to start… or ready to REALLY this time get serious about being an actor.

I’ve found that when you have that dream in your heart — whether you’ve never pursued it or you tried it for a while and stopped before you were ready — that one day, sooner or later, you’ll give into it and say… “I gotta try it.” Or “I’ve gotta to try it again… one last time…”

How do I know? Because hundreds of my actor clients have done exactly this. And their only regret is that they wish they had stuck with it before, returned sooner, or simply given themselves that chance much earlier… instead of procrastinating.

And they’re the lucky ones.

You see, many people who have this dream never give themselves a chance at all. They just carry their dream around with them and romanticize about what might have happened if they had given themselves a chance… just to see what could happen. 

Now I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m not even saying you’ll be successful.  But why do people regret in such a heart-felt way that they never gave themselves a chance at an acting career? The reason they regret it is because it’s a desire of the heart. It doesn’t make sense. It’s very challenging. But if that desire is in your heart, you gotta give yourself that chance.

At one point, I thought I wanted to be an actor. In fact, I did it for SEVEN YEARS! I was a member of SAG. I studied intensively, did some small projects and auditioned for TV series, commercials and films. I had a blast! But there came a time when I was done… and I knew I was done… and I never looked back. I love working with actors a lot more than being an actor.

But my guess is that that is not the case for you if you’re reading this. If you’ve read this far, then my guess is that your heart’s desire is to at least give yourself that chance!

If you’re brand new, you might be thinking… “I don’t know where to begin.” 

Or maybe you’ve done a couple of steps but are stuck as to what to do next. 

Or maybe you were an actor before and coming back and everything is so different you don’t know where to start.

It can all be confusing and overwhelming.  Like should I take classes first and for how long? Get my headshots? Make a demo reel? What is a demo reel?  All of that. Not to mention you hear a hundred different opinions on the answers to these questions, so where should you start?


Introducing Hollywood Kick-off For Adults

Starter Acting Resume

Whether you’re brand new or you’ve been away from acting for a while, you need a resume to get started. We’ll guide you on how to present yourself in the best way in the most challenging situations.

Email Cover Letter/Pitch

Acting is one of the most challenging careers in terms of competition. One of ways you set yourself apart is by having them get Who You Are in your cover letter. Working with you, we’ll present you at your best.

Targeted List of Agents

One of the most critical tasks for an actor is to find an agent who believes in them and can do something for them. We will find a great list for you to target in your search for someone who gets you.

One On One Guidance

As you get started — or get started again, you’ll have questions about how to deal with your specific situation. We will be here to guide you

Since 1992, we have helped well over 7500 actors at all levels of their careers get agents through our professional Agent Marketing Packages. It’s a very straightforward and powerful system that we use to create the best possible cover letter package for you to send out.

We look forward to working with you to pursue your dream. 

Go ahead and call us now.

Contact Us

Smart Girls Productions
4335 Van Nuys Blvd., #322
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
smartgirls@smartg.com | 818 907-6511
Copyright 1999 – 2025

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