Screenwriter Blog Posts

5 Tips on Choosing a Script Analyst — Warning You Could Choose One Who Knows Less Than You!

Most writers realize that when they finish their screenplay, at some point, they will need to get a script analysis / consultation. There are probably ...

5 Ways to Establish Your Screenwriter Identity

Screenwriters often wonder whether they should write screenplays in the same genre or if they should write in different genres to show their range. Find ...

The Screenwriter’s Best Resource For Authentic Creativity

The most effective, powerful, and interesting characters you can create for a screenplay are often based on real people. If you look back over your ...

The Thieves of Hollywood: How to Protect Your Screenplay… or Not

“I’m afraid someone will steal my script. I’ve worked so hard on it and it’s really unique. I would be devastated if it got stolen. ...

Should I Put 1 or 2 Spaces Between Sentences?

In dialogue, how many spaces between sentences?  Are there 2 blank spaces between the period and the next sentence? Or 1 blank space? Actually, Guy, it’s ...

5 Tips on How to Make the Most of a Pitchfest Event

One of the most exciting and scary things a screenwriter has to do for their careers is pitch their screenplay live to a Hollywood VIP ...

Using a Screenplay Theme to Attract a Movie Star

Every screenwriter who sits down to his copy of Final Draft and begins typing a screenplay has the ambition of writing a great screenplay with ...

Why Should I Use the Smart Girls Query Letter Service For My Screenplay Instead of Doing It Myself?

Screenwriters often ask me what the advantage is for using our query letter service instead of doing it themselves since there is no guarantee you’ll ...

Show Your Screenwriting Talents With A Short Film

If you've written a screenplay, if you're even thinking about it, or if you've already completed one or more, then you've probably imagined what it ...

How Do I Get a Literary Agent for My Script so Producers Will Read It? — ASK SMART GIRL SERIES

I have just started a new series of posts called ASK SMART GIRL! Each week or so I will be answering some of the questions ...

Networking in Hollywood Like the Girl with the Extraordinarily Long Arm

You’ve probably have heard that you need to schmooze in Hollywood, and sometimes hearing this makes actors shudder because they feel it means they need ...

How To Write a Treatment For Your Screenplay: 7 Critical Tips

Previously I wrote about the great benefits of writing treatments for your screenplays instead of jumping directly into writing the scenes themselves. In case you ...
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