In Hollywood, as in a number of businesses, contact equity is critical. The more of the right people you know, the more valuable your Rolodex is, and the more opportunities and power you have to ...
by Brigette Schoenung At Smart Girls, screenwriters at every level of their craft contact us, from beginners to professional writers who have had their scripts produced. Some of our newer writers may have taken only ...
When it comes to contests, you may have noticed that there are countless screenwriting contests or script competitions that promise a great deal about the difference they could make in your career if you enter ...
Let’s chat about subtext in screenwriting, shall we? I hope you said “By all means, yes!” because it is truly a game-changer for your screenplay when you master the art of writing subtext into your ...
One of the most critical elements of success in any field, and especially, in Hollywood as a screenwriter, is to take consistent, directed action in moving forward toward your goal. Whether you are focused on ...
Once you have polished your script, gotten a thumbs up from a professional script analyst, and you also feel it's ready to go, then you have to get it out to the market to have ...
Screenwriters sometimes ask me what I think about approaching the WGA West Literary Agents as a possible way to obtain representation. Theoretically, it's a good idea, as it is a list of the agents who ...
Completing a screenplay is a huge accomplishment. Getting a Hollywood executive to read your script is another big accomplishment. The last thing you want to do is to blow your chances to get a “Recommend” ...
What makes your screenwriting service better than some of the other places you can post a pitch of your screenplay online or do an email blast for your screenplay? There are a few things that ...
Previously I wrote about the great benefits of writing treatments for your screenplays instead of jumping directly into writing the scenes themselves. In case you missed it, that article is at What is a Film Treatment ...
Crafting an effective email query to pitch your screenplay to try to sell it is a vital step in capturing the attention of production companies and industry decision-makers. Your email serves as the first impression, ...