The Fastest Way To Get A Literary Agent For Your Screenplay

If your intention is to be a professional, working screenwriter – whether in Los Angeles, Alabama, Michigan or Australia, being represented by an agent or a manager CAN make a huge difference — though not guaranteed!

A strong agent or manager who believes in you and has the clout and chutzpah to do something about it can open doors for you that would otherwise be closed.  Production companies and studios that don’t accept unsolicited query letters are open to agents whom they know and sometimes to agents who are Writer’s Guild Agents, meaning they are franchised by the WGA (Writers Guild of America).

When you try to get representation, you can either try to find someone to represent just ONE PROJECT, or you can try to find someone to represent YOU with all of your projects.

Some reps only want to commit to representing one project so that they don’t feel too beholden to you, while others will only take you on for all of your projects, as they are banking on your career paying off much bigger over the long haul.

Additionally, sometimes management companies have a production arm and may be interested in producing your script if they really love it.

If you are new, your best chances come from writing a high-concept idea, which means that when you tell the idea (“concept”) in one line, people can immediately start to imagine scenes.

Imagine, for example, someone tells you: A comedy titled “40-Year-Old Virgin.” Immediately, you smile (hopefully) and can start to picture some very funny scenes. As the agent, you may or may not be interested in the story, but you can immediately grasp the idea, you know you can easily pitch it, and you like that.

If you’re a screenwriter going for representation for the first time and you don’t have a high-concept idea, then it simply takes more work on your email query letter or your  hard copy query letter to try to help an agent picture how great it will be and how EASY it will be for them to pitch it and sell a producer on the idea!

Our agent and manager query letters can help you target your scripts to representatives in Hollywood or across the United States. (Although we like going directly to the producers at the same time.)

For more information on how we can help you market your script, you can check out our email query blasts or your  hard copy query letter or call us at (818) 907-6511.

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