About Dr. Melody Jackson and Smart Girls Productions

Melody Jackson, Ph.D., is an expert in helping screenwriters get their screenplay read by legitimate Hollywood producers — even if they have no “connections.”

If you’re ready to take your first step toward getting legitimate Hollywood producers to read your script on a pathway toward the goal of seeing your movie on a big movie screen and collecting the big payday that comes with it — then you’re at the right place!

I lead the industry in personalized direct screenplay marketing!

Let me tell you a bit more about myself and my accomplishments with my company Smart Girls Productions

My Accomplishments Through My Company Smart Girls Productions

  • Have helped get thousands of screenplays in front of legitimate Hollywood producers
  • Have helped hundreds of screenwrters build ongoing producer relationships leading to getting them hired for script-writing gigs or getting their scripts optioned and even produced 
  • Over 25+ years of tracking the movers, the shakers, and the up-and-coming Hollywood producers and directors
  • Have heard directly from hundreds of Hollywood producers, agents, managers, and studio about what they look for in a screenplay
  • Have worked with over 10,000 clients in 10 different countries and all 50 U.S. states to help them pitch, present themselves professionally with panache, and market their screenplays
  • Have spoken at many industry events and seminars to given career guidance and feedback to screenwriters
  • Named a Top 5 Script Consultant in all THREE surveys done over a period of 10 years by the top screenwriting magazine, Creative Screenwriting
  • Have a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies, including writing a 200-page dissertation on the Mythic Power of Film
  • Have critiqued and given personalized feedback on thousands of scripts and on tens of thousands of pitches and loglines
  • Previously represented as a Screenwriter by a Top Boutique Literary agency in Hollywood
  • Was a Seminar Leader at a top Educational Company for 4 years

Want the down and dirty story of how Melody really got started? Here it is.

Education & Other Valuable Experience

  • After sending hundreds of thousands of email queries to producers, have learned what works the best!
  • Countless events, seminars, courses, training, and books on screenwriting and the business of Hollywood
  • Ph.D. in Mythology so have deep insight and intuition into authentic stories and tell them most powerfully
  • B.S. in computer science, so I understand systems for evaluating and codifying data into a format to quickly extract great data from thousands of data points
  • At least $50,000 spent on training in sales, marketing, pitching, and branding, understanding what resonates with people
  • Weeks of dedicated, intensive formal high-level sales training at the World’s Top Sales Training courses
  • Was a Top Sales Performer for three different computer companies prior to starting my own business

Other Personal Quirks and Story Bits

  • Have appeared in most industry magazines and on major websites providing career advice, including the WGA magazine and others
  • Ranked as a Top Screenplay Analyst in the industry
  • Ran a marathon one year to prove to myself I could do it — then ran another one the next year to prove to myself it wasn’t a fluke.
  • My minor in college was Contemporary Dance — formerly known as Modern Dance — I got into it thinking I was learning how to do dance better at the clubs
  • I love growing healthy, small things in my kitchen — from kefir grains and kombuchu tea to broccoli sprouts, mint, and basil
  • I have a huge library of hardback books that I can’t bear to part with even though I know I’ll never read them
  • I have over 1200 Kindle books and read almost every night
  • I am an alternative health advocate and passionately study inexpensive ways to heal; I still have health insurance and am grateful for many traditional healthcare advances
  • Investing in the stock market is a secret passionate challenge
  • I wanted to have my own business from the time I was a little girl and I loved my sales jobs but was never fulfilled professionally until I started my own business.
  • At 31 I hit a psychological wall while working for someone else and finally quit because I felt empty inside, then I did odd jobs applying my computer skills to film industry things and that ultimate evolved to be the business I have today!
  • Have had to survive through multiple strikes which halted every business in the film industry dead over the years — had to get creative on how to stay in business during that time.
  • Have gone through the ups and downs and twists in my business, at one point having a part-time assistant, then having 5 to 10 people working for me, to having one full-time staff in my office, to hiring staff only online — flexibility is a key to success.
  • Have had to evolve my business technology many times over 25+ years to stay leading edge — including over and over again having to seek out reliable new resources to find data on companies and individuals I track in the film business — adaptablility is another key to success.
  • Have had to transition from being very effective with hard copy mailings for clients to learning the nuances of marketing by email and understanding how different approaches are necessary to be effective
  • Had to adapt from being an expert with ads in print/”real” magazines to communicating through a website and pulling in eyeballs from miscellaneous faraway corners of the internet
  • Have had to learn to adapt effective communication for clients in person to being effective at pitching and establishing credibility online without that person-in-front of you personal touch!

That should give you a pretty good sense of who Smart Girls Productions and me — Melody Jackson are. I love my business. I love helping you to reach your goals and give your screenplay the chance it AND YOU deserve after all of the time you put into writing it!

If you want to get your screenplay read by a legitimate Hollywood producer, I’m the expert to turn to for screenplay marketing… and the various aspects of getting ready to market.

Do you want help GETTING IN THE GAME, taking the first critical step toward getting your script made into a movie, getting your screenplay read by Hollywood producers, and giving you the chance of seeing your movie on the big screen and collecting the big payday that comes with it?

If you said yes, then you should call me. I just listed why I am the one to help you… so CALL me at (818) 907-6511.

P.S. If you’re an actor needing representation, you can call me there too for assitance in making that happen.

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