Screenwriter Blog Posts

Legendary Screenwriter William Goldman Interview

The Man, The Screenwriter Legend, William Goldman — On his famous quote “Nobody knows anything.”  An interesting interview. William Goldman wrote the book “Adventures in the ...

5 Quick & Easy Ways To Establish Credibility In Your Query Letter

When you write a query letter, your first and foremost challenge is to summarize your 100+ page story to a paragraph-or-two-long pitch that gets people ...

5 Ways to Establish Your Screenwriter Identity

Screenwriters often wonder whether they should write screenplays in the same genre or if they should write in different genres to show their range. Find ...

The Seeds For Screenwriter’s Success

One of the challenges is that you will mostly get negative feedback when you have your script reviewed or even considered for production. And yes, ...

Planning for Success in Screenwriting: Goals (Part 1 of 2)

Lots of Screenwriters say they’ve done everything they know to do and are still not achieving the goals they want, still not getting their scripts ...

Script Coverage: 5 Tips To Your Best Script Analyst

Do you “Loop” Like I Do On Your Rewriting?  If you said yes, you might need to get some Script Coverage.  But first… See if this ...

10 Mistakes Screenwriters Make That Drive Readers Crazy

Completing a screenplay is a huge accomplishment.  Getting a Hollywood executive to read your script is another big accomplishment.  The last thing you want to ...

Is Your Screenwriting Too “On-The-Nose”

However, if any of those are the themes, it is too “on-the-nose,” as we call it, meaning there’s no subtlety. When something is a bit ...

Seven Major Career Skills For Screenwriter: What Can You Outsource?

One of the challenges for screenwriters and really many other active, ambitious creative people is trying to find time to do all the things they ...

Mission Critical Script Formatting: 7 Keys to Make Sure Your Screenplay is Properly Formatted Before Sending It Out

Mission Critical: 7 Keys to Make Sure Your Screenplay is Properly Formatted Before Sending It Out When it comes to getting your screenplay noticed by ...

How To Write a Good Screenplay: 3 Key Objectives For Every Scene When writing a screenplay, many screenwriters want to hurry and get their first draft on the page without doing a lot of planning because just ...

Screenwriters: Double Your Number Of Screenwriting Properties This Week

Have you noticed that writing a 100-plus-page script seems like it can take forever? And then you finish it and you have to re-write the ...
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