The Man, The Screenwriter Legend, William Goldman — On his famous quote “Nobody knows anything.” An interesting interview. William Goldman wrote the book “Adventures in the Screen Trade: A Personal View of Hollywood and Screenwriting” — ...
When you take your screenplay idea to pitchfests, you may want to leave a one-sheet behind with film executives and talent agents you talk to. There are pros and cons to having them, but at ...
Screenwriters sometimes ask me what I think about approaching the WGA West Literary Agents as a possible way to obtain representation. Theoretically, it's a good idea, as it is a list of the agents who ...
Screenwriters often hear “You need to get an agent to sell your screenplay. That’s the only way it will happen.” And because they hear that, they often decide it’s time to get a literary agent ...
Where do good story ideas for a screenplay come from? It could be anywhere! As a screenwriter, it’s a good idea to always be tuned in to listening for story ideas that inspire you. These ...
When it comes to marketing your script to a targeted list of producers, agents and managers through the written word, you pretty much have to decide between sending an Email Blast or sending the classic way — the Hard ...
In Hollywood, as in a number of businesses, contact equity is critical. The more of the right people you know, the more valuable your Rolodex is, and the more opportunities and power you have to ...
One of the interesting comments I hear from time to time is that a writer is giving their screenwriting career another year or two to see what happens, and then they’re going to quit if ...
WOW! Every once in a while, time goes by so fast that I’ll suddenly realize it’s been a long time since I sent out one of my “weekly” news emails to my subscribers — YET ...
Lots of Screenwriters say they’ve done everything they know to do and are still not achieving the goals they want, still not getting their scripts read. This two-part article series is meant to help you ...
As I covered in Part 1 of Success in Screenwriting, there are two types of goals: 1. Results Goals: These are the final results you want to produce, such as getting screenwriting jobs and ultimately ...