Learn To Pitch Your Screenplay To Hollywood  Ebook

If you want to sell your screenplay, you have to tell your story… fast and great!

The toughest things about pitching is reducing your 100-page-plus screenplay you’ve put so much time into down to a 3 minute pitch.

Most writers hate the idea of leaving out some of the best moments of their script that they worked so hard on, but yet when you have 2 or 3 minutes to get someone excited about reading the whole thing, you have no choice but to leave some of the good stuff out!

This 60-plus-page ebook takes you step-by-step through how to draft a pitch of your screenplay. It also includes a worksheet section that will specifically walks you through crafting your pitch. Hear what one of my recent Seminar attendees says about my “Pitching” Tips.

Some of the things that are covered are:

  • Three Things You’re Already an Expert at Pitching … and don’t even know it.
  • The Right Length For a pitch
  • The 7 Critical Steps to Mastering Your Pitch
  • 5 Ways to Open Your Pitch
  • Find out when telling them the Title can help you sell it and when it could kill the deal.
  • Learn 3 Ways to Overcome the Single Most Common Mistake Screenwriters Make In Pitching that ruin their chances.
  • 3 Tips to Set Yourself Up To Win in the Meeting… whether they request your script or not.
  • The Two Ways to Save Your Pitch at the End, no matter how badly it may have gone up till then!
  • …and so much more.

This digital ebook will instantly guide you to the heart of your script to make sure you include only the most critical pieces for the pitch, and then it will help you bring it to life for the person you are pitching to.

Additionally, you are going to get access to the video of an uncut-unedited 75-minute workshop I did on pitching as a bonus to round out your pitching course!

Get Yours Today, Start Pitching Like A Pro Tomorrow!

If you’re ready to get working on your Pitch, just click the Big Green Get Started Button below. It will take you to a secure checkout over at our sister company Hollywood Business School (HBS).

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Just click the button and you’ll get a chance to review it all before paying. You’ll be logged in to get your download of the ebook and to watch the video.

Remember you have a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, so you have no risk whatsoever. Get your book and video and start preparing your pitch Today!

I’ve heard a lot of pitches that were okay (and yes, many were bad), but so many of the okay ones could so easily be made better that I finally decided to write it all down.

There are many simple things that you can do to take your pitch from Okay to “YES!” You will find out more than 57 Tips in this report on exactly what to do to make your pitch rock and get the execs to say “YES, YES, YES!” to reading it.

My 100% Iron-Clad
Money Back Guarantee
If you’re not happy with what you learn in this ebook,
you can get every cent you paid back…

And if that’s not enough… don’t stop reading… because there’s MORE!

In addition to getting the 60-page ebook itself,you will get this Bonus:

BONUS! A 75-Minute Video of the “Pitch Your Screenplay Like A Pro” Workshop that I did at the Great American Pitchfest

In this seminar, you will get even more examples of how to create your pitch. You’ll also hear questions from a live audience that help bring the points home. I’m offering this seminar now as a bonus, but I may remove it and offer it for sale very soon.

Click the Add to Cart Button Above To Secure Yours Now!

You will get an Instant Download Link after you purchase this!  If you do not see the link from Paypal, we will manually send you a download link within 2 to 3 hours.

(I reserve the right to remove this offer without warning as I’ve done in the past, so get it NOW so you don’t miss out.)

Remember you have a 60-day Satisfaction Guarantee, so you have no risk whatsoever. Get your book and video and start preparing your pitch Today!

We look forward to moving your forward toward your dream!

All the best ,

Melody Jackson
Founder & Chief Smart Girl

P.S. If you have any problems, please email me at support (at) smartg.com or call the office at 818/907-6511.

P.S.S. For only $47, you get a 60-page Ebook and a 75-minute video of a live pitching class that I did at the Great American Pitchfest! Do not wait! Get yours now and get working on your pitch!

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