Events Recommended by Smart Girls Productions

20th Century Fox Studios

Screenplay Development Group Presents

Script Analyst Melody Jackson, Ph.D. 

Leads Discussion of the Screenplay

“King Richard”

Monday, Nov. 8, 2021 — 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.

King Richard movie

Join our screenwriters, filmmakers & industry pros for script analysis & in-depth discussions of current feature film screenplays.

Until we can return to meeting in person at Fox Studios, we will hold our meetings online via Zoom on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7-10 PM Pacific Time.

Monday, November 8, 2021

KING RICHARD by Zach Baylin stars Will Smith in a look at how tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams became who they are after the coaching from their father Richard Williams. Scheduled for a theatrical release only on November 19.

Melody Jackson will provide in-depth script analysis and lead our discussion.  Melody completed her Ph.D. in Mythological Studies in 2003 with her dissertation on The Mythic Impact of Film.  She has been praised by Creative Screenwriting on multiple occasions for her exceptional knowledge of traditional three-act structure and character development.  Known for approaching plot and structure through examination of character motivation and relationships, Melody offers consulting and marketing services to screenwriters through Smart Girls, which she founded in 1992.

Presented by Sandra Lord

“Let’s Do Lunch” Networking Event

Sunday January 26, 2020 — 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

— Open to a diverse group —
Content producers – writers, producers, directors, financiers, composers, talent reps, casting, etc.
— Everyone “in front of and behind” the camera — 

Join the fun and network with fellow Filmmakers!

The Unique thing about Sandra Lord’s Let’s Do Lunch networking event is that you get to INTRODUCE yourself to the group and even ask for anything you need (such as specific connections).  Typically around 35 to 40 people attend each month! You must complete a short form and submit to be accepted to attend. Sandra Lord, the host, focuses on getting serious, real industry pros… and mixes it up in terms of the levels, from newbies to long-time professionals — but always people who are looking to connect!!! Would LOVE to see you there!


Screenplay Development Group Presents

Script Analyst Melody Jackson, Ph.D. 

Leads Discussion of the Screenplay


Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 — 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.
20th Century Fox Studios

Presented by Sandra Lord

“Let’s Do Lunch “
Christmas Networking Brunch & Gift Exchange

Sunday Dec. 15, 2019 — Noon to 4:00 p.m.

Join the fun and network with fellow Filmmakers!

Presented by Sandra Lord

Free Hollywood Career Strategy Seminar

Sunday Dec. 8, 2019 — 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Effective Tools & Strategies to Take on Hollywood and 2020 with Confidence and Gusto!


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