Screenwriter Blog Posts

Why Should I Use the Smart Girls Query Letter Service For My Screenplay Instead of Doing It Myself?

Screenwriters often ask me what the advantage is for using our query letter service instead of doing it themselves since there is no guarantee you’ll ...

Literary Agent Or Literary Manager For Screenwriters?

Once you finish your screenplay, you have to get it out to the market to find an agent or manager, but most screenwriters don't know ...

Are Email Query Blasts or Hard Copy Query Letters More Effective For Marketing A Script?

When it comes to marketing your script to a targeted list of producers, agents and managers through the written word, you pretty much have to decide between ...

Is Your Logline Worth $100 Million?

You spent the last year writing your 100-page script to perfection. You slaved over each scene and every line of dialogue. You are finally ready ...

How Screenplay Query Letter Mailings Work When Not In U.S.

Screenwriters all over the world have the big dream of having their screenplays made into a Hollywood movie. Just because you are a screenwriter in ...

How Do I Get a Literary Agent for My Script so Producers Will Read It? — ASK SMART GIRL SERIES

I have just started a new series of posts called ASK SMART GIRL! Each week or so I will be answering some of the questions ...

Market To Producers, Agents, or Managers First?   If you’re ready to market your screenplay, it’s likely you’ll plan to follow the  advice of what most other industry professionals will tell ...

What Is a Film Treatment and 7 Awesome Reasons To Write One

So many ideas…. so little time to write whole screenplays.  It’s far easier to write a film treatment than an entire screenplay since it’s only ...

Where Are You Going With Your Plot?

Every scene in your screenplay must be doing one or more of three things: revealing character, advancing the plot, or expanding the theme. All three ...

Five Tips For Making Sure Your Screenplay Has Commercial Potential

You may have lots of ideas for screenplays or you may have only one. But before you write any of them, consider whether your premise ...

Seven Major Career Skills For Screenwriter: What Can You Outsource?

One of the challenges for screenwriters and really many other active, ambitious creative people is trying to find time to do all the things they ...

Do You Have a Hook In Your Screenplay Logline?

When you pitch your screenplay to a Hollywood executive, whether in a one-on-one pitch in person or in a query letter, your story needs to ...
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