Actor Blog Posts

Do Your Film Credits Look Made Up?

The term "billing," in case you are not familiar with it refers to how SAG credits you when you play a given role in a ...

Networking for Actors: 5 Mistakes That Make You Look Like a Jerk

When actors network in the film and TV business, it should be the same as networking in any other industry. Unfortunately, because actors feel so ...

5 Ways to Expand Your “It” Factor and Attract Talent Agents

“IT” is one of those intangible qualities that can be hard to describe.  “IT” is a knowingness, a belief in yourself that comes across in ...

Promote Your Acting Career Like a Business

One of the persistent complaints I hear from actors is that they don’t like to market themselves, they just want to act. The fact is ...

The Cure For Audition Nerves

When it comes to auditioning, even the most experienced of actors, the “old hams” of the profession, get the jitters. Ian McKellen still talks about ...

The #1 Asset Actors Overlook When Seeking Representation

I doubt that you’ll be surprised if I tell you that your long-term success in Hollywood depends on you making contacts  with  industry people, staying in touch, ...
5 tactics for getting cast

5 Tactics For Getting Cast in a Television Pilot

Landing a role in a television pilot could change your life. Pilot season is a time for anyone who is serious about an acting career ...

Actor Headshots: How To Jazz Up Your Existing Photos

Does your acting headshot  have a red tint? Does your skin look redder in the headshot than it does in everyday life? If so, that’s not ...

5 Tips To A Hot Demo Reel

Many actors tell me that they are worried that they don't have a demo reel and they wonder whether they should go out and shoot ...

How to Improve Your Acting

To be successful and maintain that success, there are several different areas of acting that you must learn. You must study various areas in the ...
Hollywood Headshot Handbook

Acting Headshots: How To Look Like a Hollywood Actor Without Overdoing It

Let’s face it, the Hollywood (movies and television) industry places a high priority on the way actors look. This industry sometimes demands that its’ star ...

7 Surefire Ways To Grow Your Industry Fan List

If you are connected to the world outside your home at all, it would be hard to miss the fact that social media sites like ...
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