Screenwriters often hear “You need to get an agent to sell your screenplay. That’s the only way it will happen.” And because they hear that, they often decide it’s time to get a literary agent ...
Mission Critical: 7 Keys to Make Sure Your Screenplay is Properly Formatted Before Sending It Out When it comes to getting your screenplay noticed by industry professionals, formatting is not just a minor detail—it’s mission ...
The first thing a Hollywood exec/reader does when they get your screenplay is to look to the last page and see how many pages they have to read. If your script is too long, you ...
When you write a query letter, your first and foremost challenge is to summarize your 100+ page story to a paragraph-or-two-long pitch that gets people excited enough to read it. But if they’re borderline interested, ...
Where do good story ideas for a screenplay come from? It could be anywhere! As a screenwriter, it’s a good idea to always be tuned in to listening for story ideas that inspire you. These ...
If your intention is to be a professional, working screenwriter – whether in Los Angeles, Alabama, Michigan or Australia, being represented by an agent or a manager CAN make a huge difference — though not ...
You may have lots of ideas for screenplays or you may have only one. But before you write any of them, consider whether your premise has enough dramatic potential and commercial appeal to sustain a ...
When you feel like your script is ready for producers to read, you have to make every effort you can to get the attention of a legitimate producer. You can do that by sending them ...
If you've written a screenplay, if you're even thinking about it, or if you've already completed one or more, then you've probably imagined what it would be like to see your story come to life ...
One of the most exciting and scary things a screenwriter has to do for their careers is pitch their screenplay live to a Hollywood VIP who could potentially put them in the middle of the ...
One of the biggest challenges in writing a great screenplay, even for seasoned writers, is writing strong script dialogue. The truth is that if you write captivating screenplay dialogue, your characters will stand out and ...